구글 플레이스토어 환불 google play store refund

A complete guide on how to refund Google Play Store.

With this guide you will get all the information related to Google Refunds, including how to request a refund on the Google Play Store, and how to contact the developer directly if Google Refund Denied! 구글 플레이스토어 환불

Then check it out right below! 좋은뉴스

구글 플레이스토어 환불

Google Play Store Refund Policy
Request a refund directly from the Google Play Store
Contact the app developer directly to request a refund
Contact the Google Korea Customer Center by phone
Frequently Asked Questions FAQ
1. Google Play Store Refund Policy
Google Refund Policy
Before looking at how to get a Google refund, it would be helpful to first understand and implement the refund policy provided by Google briefly. We explain this based on the fact that most people want to get a refund because they often cancel Google payments for in-app purchases, which are paid payments made within apps, mobile games, or within apps.

Google Refund Policy (apps, games, in-app purchases)
In general, the Google Play refund policy related to app, game, and in-app purchases can be viewed on a 48-hour basis as follows, and it is stated that the number of Google Play refunds can be refunded only once.

You can cancel your Google Play payment by requesting a refund directly through Google Play within 48 hours.
After 48 hours, you must contact the app developer directly to see if Google Payments is refundable.
Google Refund Policy Within 48 Hours After 48 Hours
Refunds for other content such as music, movies, and books that are not apps, games, or in-app purchases have different policies. To confirm this, please see the Google Refund Policy.

Google Play Refund Time (Period)
Depending on the payment method, it may take some time for the Google Play Store refund to be approved and the Google Play Store to receive a full refund.

Usually, credit card, debit card, Kakao Pay, etc. take 3-5 business days, and it may take up to 30 days if payment is made through a mobile carrier.

And if you do it through Google Pay, you can get a refund within one day, and if you use online banking, it can take up to 10 days.

Google Refund Period
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2. Request a refund directly from the Google Play Store
How to Refund Google Play Store
According to the Google Refund Policy described above, if within 48 hours of a paid purchase through an app, game or in-app, the Google Refund Policy has been satisfied and you can receive a refund from Google Play. Just in case, even if 48 hours have passed, please give it a try and move on to the next method!

Checking your order history on the Google Play Store
1 After visiting the Google Play Store, click “Account” in the left menu based on logging in to the site.

Click on your Google Play Store account
2 To check your Google payment information, click “Order History” from the menu tabs at the top.

Google Account Order History
3 You can check your Google Play Store payment history below and click the “Report a Problem” link to the right of the order you wish to receive a refund for.

What if your order transaction history shows purchases that you or someone you know have not paid for? Google’s 120-day refund policy allows you to report a claim within 120 days of the transaction date.
Report a problem with your Google Play order history
4 Click “Choose an option” under Report a problem.

Choose an option to report a problem
5 As shown below, various options are available for Google refund reasons. Click “I purchased by mistake” as an example.

Here, click on the option closest to the reason for which you are requesting a refund.
Purchased by mistake option
6 (1) Enter additional explanation in the problem description section, and (2) click the Submit button.

Please note that you will not be able to access all of the refunded content again, and the developer may remove your access rights when you receive a refund for paid products offered in-app.
Describe and submit a problem
7 The refund request has been made as shown below, and click the “Confirm” button.

As indicated, you can receive the result of your refund request by email within 48 hours.
Result of request for refund within 48 hours of confirming the report of the problem
8 If the refund is approved, you will see a “Refunded” mark in your order history as shown below.

Confirm Refunded Mark
9 You can also receive a Google Play refund confirmation email with the subject “Google Play Refund Approved” in the email as shown below.

Refund Approval
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3. Contact the app developer directly to request a refund
How to get a Google refund through developer inquiry
What if 48 hours have elapsed according to the Google policy explained at the beginning? Google does not allow refunds through the Play Store, and it is stated that you should contact the developer directly to inquire about refunds. Here’s how to get developer contacts and how to contact them.

1 First, visit the Google Play Store as shown below and search for the name of the app you want to receive a refund for.

Developer Refund Inquiry
2 As an example, I searched for KakaoTalk, and I will click the KakaoTalk app that came out as a result.

3 Scroll down on the page where KakaoTalk information is displayed.

4 You can check the developer contact as below, and copy the email address to send mail.

Check Google Play Store Developer Contacts
5 Before sending an e-mail, please check and copy the order number from the order receipt e-mail you received when purchasing from Google Play for smooth communication with the developer.

If you can’t find it, just go to the next step.
google play order number
6 In the same format as in the example below, you can request a refund to the developer based on information such as the app you are using, your order number, the problem you are experiencing, and the desired solution.

Example Refund Inquiry
4. Contact the Google Korea Customer Center by phone
What if the problem needs to be resolved by contacting the customer center directly? One way is to check the Google Play Store customer center phone number as shown below and contact the Google Play refund phone number directly.

Google Korea Customer Center Phone Number
Frequently Asked Questions FAQ
In what cases is a Google Play Store refund possible?
Generally, according to official policy, you can think within 48 hours and after for things like apps, games, and in-app purchases. If before 48 hours, you can cancel the payment by requesting a refund directly through Google Play. However, after 48 hours, you cannot request a refund on Google Play, and you must contact the app developer directly.

What if Google Play Store refund is difficult?
There is a lot of talk these days that refund policies are tightened internally and refund approvals are denied. For this reason, there are cases where a professional refund company is used rather than an individual process. At this time, you have to be careful because there are too many refund companies and there are obviously scammers.