크린토피아 영업시간 Cleantopia business hours

These days, there are many cases that do not do laundry well at home. It has to be dry as well as sound, so I go to a nearby coin laundry, and probably the most common one is Cleantopia. It’s called an unmanned system, but there are business hours, so let’s take a look at the business hours of Cleantopia below so that you don’t walk in vain.

크린토피아 영업시간

Cleantopia business hours
Business hours of Cleantopia vary depending on which branch you are in and which service you plan to use, so it is a good idea to first check the service you want to use. In particular, in the case of an unmanned laundry machine, there are some parts that can be used 24 hours a day, so it’s a good idea to check. 크린토피아 영업시간

Laundry hanging on a clothesline 좋은뉴스
Cleantopia’s business hours are usually from 9:30 am to 8:00 pm on weekdays. It is closed on Sundays, and the start and end times on Saturdays are slightly different from those on weekdays, so if you frequently do laundry on the weekends, be sure to check the business hours of Cleantopia near your house by checking at once below.


Since Cleantopia does not provide separate collection and delivery, it is better to check the laundry and business hours carefully before moving. In order to do that, it would be best to use a place close to home.

Check business hours at once
I looked at the business hours of Cleantopia above, but it would be nice to find out more if the place I’m going is really like that. In this case, there is a way to check the business hours and location of Cleantopia at once.


If you use the store finder, you can check the nearest Cleantopia and business hours at once. We recommend that you make sure to take care of the discount benefits below and receive a discount and do laundry.


Find Cleantopia business hours and location >


Check the business hours of each Cleantopia branch

Cleantopia discount days




If you check the business hours, we recommend that you go on a discounted day. Cleantopia offers discounts of up to 30% every Wednesday and Saturday.

the cat is doing the laundry
For blankets that are expected to be bulky and expensive, it is recommended that you take advantage of the discounts below. Wouldn’t it be nice to go twice for the money you change once?


Go to see discounts >


Cleantopia, which is often visited for sneakers or clothes repairs, has recently been used by many people, and it is said that popular branches wait in line. The reason why there are so many branches all over the country is probably because they are all so popular.


When there is not enough closet at home, clothes can also be stored for at least 3 months. If you are curious about more information about Cleantopia, please contact the customer center.