공증 비용 notary fee

cost of notarization

The cost of notarization and the notarization fee are the same. The cost of notarization is the same anywhere in the country.
As a result, the notary office is free in the region. However, be sure to check whether the notarization of the money lending of the bilateral contract is notarized.

Although the cost of notarization is cheap for a simple private deed that is not effective, this deed is like an existing IOU, so there is no big difference in effectiveness, so the notarization in the form of a certificate has no effect. There is no benefit. 공증 비용


공증 비용


In order for the notary to be legally effective, it must be notarized under a bilateral contract, and the cost of notarization varies slightly depending on the amount of the claim. 좋은뉴스 

​The cost is approximately 11,000 won for a bond amount of 1 million won and 33,000 won for bonds up to 5 million won.

The cost of notarization is limited to up to 3 million won, so even tens of billions of bonds will no longer incur costs.


effect of notarization

Notarization is a factual document possessed by a general IOU and a documentary evidence of a lawsuit. It is a strong deed that has effect as a basis, and with the addition of the effect of the executive title having executive power, to which coercive force is added.

Therefore, if the debtor does not pay the money on the promised date, the debtor’s property can be seized and enforced without any other legal procedure.

​However, you must be careful that these legal force and enforcement power do not take effect unless there is a ‘word’ in the notary.




Another effect of notarization is related to the effect upon expiration of the bond.

Commercial receivables are originally classified as an important case for fast collection speed due to the short statute of limitations, from the shortest period of 1 year to the longest period of 5 years.

​In the case of commercial bond loans, if you obtain notarization and secure notarization, you can obtain the effect of extending the extinctive prescription to 10 years.

​However, this applies only to notarization of IOUs for commercial receivables, and notarizations of promissory notes expire after three years.