당근마켓 동네인증 Carrot Market Neighborhood Certification

1. Carrot Market Neighborhood Certification?
– When installing the app for the first time, you need to set the neighborhood as a necessary procedure.
Here, it is a necessary procedure for continuous transactions and exchanges with our neighbors, that is, it is a necessary procedure to confirm that ‘I am a neighbor of this neighborhood’.

당근마켓 동네인증

Also, you need to do it periodically, about once every 30 days.
And if the phone’s GPS is turned on, it is automatically authenticated when you run the app. But in my case, I do not set the location separately, so I set an alarm on my phone and do it once a month.

2. Carrot Market Neighborhood Authentication Method 당근마켓 동네인증


– After launching the app, click My Carrot. 좋은뉴스
Then there are sales, purchase history, and watchlist, and click Verify neighborhood at the bottom.


– If you look, you will see the area where the current location was initially set.

Click the icon at the bottom right, then click the Done button at the bottom. Then, as shown in the image on the right, a small mark at the bottom that the local authentication was successful is displayed. This is the end. Very easy, right? However, if you do not do it, it will cause inconvenience to use, so it is better to do it by all means.

Briefly write the process
Click My Carrot at the bottom of the Carrot Market app -> Verify your neighborhood -> Click the icon at the bottom right of the map to get the location -> Click Done at the bottom and you are done!



3. Carrot Market Neighborhood Authentication Failure
1) My current location
– What you need to check here is your current location at the time of authentication.
You have to do it while you are in the set place. I’m checking location information. So, if you are in another area, authentication is not possible.


2) When mobile phone location information is not approved
– You have to go into settings and allow the location information of the carrot market app.


– Also, even if the location is recognized incorrectly, authentication may not be possible, so please enter the location recognition method and select it with high accuracy. Settings are usually connected to Connection -> Location -> Location Recognition Method.

3) Use of customer center

– If the above does not work, you must contact the customer center to solve the problem.


4. Conclusion
– It usually works, so if it doesn’t work, try running Naver or Daum Maps to get or recognize the current location, so please refer to it.

– Up to this point, we have looked at why, how to, and how to make it impossible for the carrot market neighborhood authentication.
The authentication method itself is very easy, but for those who use this app often, it is a necessary procedure, so you can do it once a month like me, or you can turn on the GPS (location).

– It is best to trade safely, so please check the precautions carefully before transacting.