사다리타기 게임 사이트 ladder game site

Introduction of ladder climbing game sites and applications
A ladder game is a game similar to a lottery in which a line is drawn vertically as many people as the number of people, the names, penalties, or prizes corresponding to each side are written down, and then a horizontal line is drawn at random to go down the line. do.

사다리타기 게임 사이트
ladder 사다리타기 게임 사이트
It is often used to make snacks or meals between acquaintances. In the past, you had to make a game by drawing it on paper, but now there is a way to use related games using online sites or apps. Let’s take a look at the typical recommended game ladder climbing game sites and applications.

Naver ladder game 좋은뉴스
If you search for ladder game on the portal site Naver, it is the first program that is displayed. Enter the number of participants on the first screen (up to 24) and press the start button at the bottom to display your name at the top and the winning item at the bottom on the following screen. When you select each item on the following screen, a red line is automatically drawn on the ladder, allowing you to check whether or not you have won. This function is available on PC as well as on mobile.

▶ How to use Naver roulette wheel disk game
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Kakao Talk ladder game
You can use the ladder game in the mobile messenger KakaoTalk. If you search for ladder game through # (shop) in the chat window menu, related games will appear. This is also a program provided by Kakao itself. Unlike Naver, you can include people who are actually from KakaoTalk friends in the number of participants, and you can select recommended items such as knockout, snack betting, role sharing, and what to eat today. After entering all items, click the Share button at the bottom to share the results of the Kakao Talk ladder game in the current chat room.