휴대폰 배터리 수명 확인 Check cell phone battery life

Mobile phones these days seem to end their lifespan in 2-3 years.

So, if you use it for more than 2 years, your phone’s battery will run out.
You may feel that it wears off quickly.

Wouldn’t it be nice to know exactly the state of my cell phone battery? 휴대폰 배터리 수명 확인

Then Samsung Galaxy phone
Let’s see how to check the battery status. 좋은뉴스

휴대폰 배터리 수명 확인

First, in the Google Play Store.
Download ‘Samsung Members’ and run it.

At the bottom right of the Samsung Members main screen

Let’s go to Get Help – Self Diagnosis – View Test Items.

If you enter, you can self-diagnose items like this
It comes out a lot.

If you click on the battery status,
It diagnoses the battery condition right away.

my cell phone is

Battery Status – Normal
Longevity – Good

has been diagnosed with

My battery is fine.


There are various items as well as battery status diagnosis, so if something goes wrong with your phone,
Simple self-diagnosis with Samsung Members
Sounds like a good way.